Demonstrates different ErrorFormatters on validator and CombinedErrorMessages controls
Validator controls use ErrorFormatters to display the
error message. An ErrorFormatter installs the HTML that formats the error message
in the same location as the Validator control is placed into your ASP.NET web form.
That HTML can do anything you want, including using JavaScript to make the message
more interactive.
The ErrorFormatter class is assigned to the ErrorFormatter property of the Validator. It
also exists on the CombinedErrorMessages control.
Review the ASP.NET Markup below the examples for syntax assistance with the ErrorFormatters.
DES includes these ErrorFormatter classes:
- Text (PeterBlum.DES.Web.WebControls.TextErrorFormatter) – Displays the error message
on the page, much like a Label control. It has numerous style properties although
using a style sheet class with its CssClass property is preferred. It supports optional
HTML text that encloses the error message, to customize its appearance. It can display
an image to the left of the error message.
- Hyperlink with Alert (PeterBlum.DES.Web.WebControls.HyperLinkErrorFormatter) –
Displays a hyperlink with a short label that you supply. When clicked, an alert
appears with the error message.
- Image with Tooltip (PeterBlum.DES.Web.WebControls.TooltipImageErrorFormatter) –
Displays an image. When the user points to it, a tooltip shows the error message.
Change the default image with the ImageUrl property.
- Image with Alert (PeterBlum.DES.Web.WebControls.AlertImageErrorFormatter) – Displays
an image. When the user clicks on it, an alert appears with the error message.
Change the default image with the ImageUrl property.
- PopupView (PeterBlum.DES.Web.WebControls.PopupErrorFormatter) – Only show an image.
When the user clicks on the image, show a PopupView, which is a floating message.
In addition, when focus moves into a control being evaluated, it automatically pops
Change the default PopupView definition with the PopupViewName property.
The most used property on an ErrorFormatter is Display.
It has three values:
- Static - When not shown, it still takes up the space associated with the error
message. This is the default.
- Dynamic - When not shown, no space is used. Always consider this when you have
two or more validators side-by-side. Alternatively, consider the CombinedErrorMessages
- None - Never show the validator's error message at the location of the Validator
control. This is used when you only want the message to appear in the
Click the Submit button to see the
RequiredTextValidators with various errorformatters.
Text - TextErrorFormatter
Since this is default, you can omit defining it unless you actually need to change one of its properties.
Text - TextErrorFormatter, Example 2
This time many properties on the TextErrorFormatter are assigned.

Image with Alert - AlertImageErrorFormatter
Click on the image to see the alert showing the error message.
Image with Alert - AlertImageErrorFormatter, Example 2
Image with Tooltip - TooltipImageErrorFormatter
Point to the image to view the tooltip.
Image with Tooltip - TooltipImageErrorFormatter, Example 2
Hyperlink with Alert - HyperlinkErrorFormatter
Click the hyperlink to view the alert with error message.
PopupView - PopupErrorFormatter
PopupView - PopupErrorFormatter, Example 2
PopupViews are defined in your custom.des.config file. Use the Global Settings Editor to customize
its contents. In this case, we've switched from the default appearance to the one named "LtRed-Medium".
Source Code (C#)
<script runat="server">
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (PeterBlum.DES.Globals.WebFormDirector.IsValid)
Click the Submit button to see the <a href="../Controls/ABARoutingNumberValidator.aspx" class="ControlClass">RequiredTextValidators</a> with various errorformatters.<br/>
<des:Button ID="Button3" runat="server" Text="Click here to get started"></des:Button>
<h3>Text - TextErrorFormatter</h3>
Since this is default, you can omit defining it unless you actually need to change one of its properties.<br/>
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<des:RequiredTextValidator ID="RequiredTextValidator1" runat="server" ControlIDToEvaluate="TextBox1"
ErrorMessage="Required" >
<h3>Text - TextErrorFormatter, Example 2</h3>
This time many properties on the TextErrorFormatter are assigned.<br/>
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<des:RequiredTextValidator ID="RequiredTextValidator2" runat="server" ControlIDToEvaluate="TextBox2"
ErrorMessage="Required" >
<des:TextErrorFormatter ImageURL="{APPEARANCE}/Validation/valerroricon_animated.GIF"
Display="Dynamic" GapAfterImageType="Pixel" GapAfterImage="20" HTMLAfter="<br />"
ToolTip="Fix this error"></des:TextErrorFormatter>
<h3>Image with Alert - AlertImageErrorFormatter</h3>
Click on the image to see the alert showing the error message.<br/>
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox3" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<des:RequiredTextValidator ID="RequiredTextValidator3" runat="server" ControlIDToEvaluate="TextBox3"
ErrorMessage="Required" >
<h3>Image with Alert - AlertImageErrorFormatter, Example 2</h3>
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox4" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<des:RequiredTextValidator ID="RequiredTextValidator4" runat="server" ControlIDToEvaluate="TextBox4"
ErrorMessage="Required" >
<des:AlertImageErrorFormatter Display="Dynamic"
ToolTip="Click to view the error"/>
<h3>Image with Tooltip - TooltipImageErrorFormatter</h3>
Point to the image to view the tooltip.<br/>
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox5" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<des:RequiredTextValidator ID="RequiredTextValidator5" runat="server" ControlIDToEvaluate="TextBox5"
<h3>Image with Tooltip - TooltipImageErrorFormatter, Example 2</h3>
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox6" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<des:RequiredTextValidator ID="RequiredTextValidator6" runat="server" ControlIDToEvaluate="TextBox6"
<des:TooltipImageErrorFormatter Display="Dynamic"
ImageURL="{APPEARANCE}/Validation/ValErrorIcon_animated.GIF" />
<h3>Hyperlink with Alert - HyperlinkErrorFormatter</h3>
Click the hyperlink to view the alert with error message.<br/>
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox7" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<des:RequiredTextValidator ID="RequiredTextValidator7" runat="server" ControlIDToEvaluate="TextBox7"
<h3>PopupView - PopupErrorFormatter</h3>
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox8" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<des:RequiredTextValidator ID="RequiredTextValidator8" runat="server" ControlIDToEvaluate="TextBox8"
<h3>PopupView - PopupErrorFormatter, Example 2</h3>
PopupViews are defined in your custom.des.config file. Use the Global Settings Editor to customize
its contents. In this case, we've switched from the default appearance to the one named "LtRed-Medium".<br/>
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox9" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<des:RequiredTextValidator ID="RequiredTextValidator9" runat="server" ControlIDToEvaluate="TextBox9"
<des:PopupErrorFormatter PopupViewName="LtRed-Medium" Display="Dynamic" />