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Tutorials for Peter's Professional Validation Skip Navigation Links.
Expand GeneralGeneral
Collapse Validator controlsValidator controls
Expand Formatting features on a ValidatorFormatting features on a Validator
Expand Drawing the user's attention to the errorsDrawing the user's attention to the errors
Collapse Evaluation rules of the Validator controlsEvaluation rules of the Validator controls
ABARoutingNumberValidator: Confirms the ABA Routing Number pattern
CharacterValidator: Requires a specific characterset is used
CheckStateValidator: Evaluates the Checked property on a CheckBox or RadioButtonh
CompareToValueValidator: Compares the value of a field to a value that you specify
CompareTwoFieldsValidator: Compares the values of two fields to each other
CompareToStringsValidator: Compares the value of a field to a list of strings
CountSelectionsValidator: Ensures the number of selected items of a multiselection ListBox or CheckBoxList are within a range
CountTrueConditionsValidator: Flexible way to count a number of elements
CreditCardNumberValidator: Confirms the Credit Card Number pattern
CustomValidator: Create your own evaluation code
DataTypeCheckValidator: Evaluates a textual value represents a specific data type
DifferenceValidator: Compares the difference between two fields are apart by an amount
DuplicateEntryValidator: Evaluates 3 or more fields to avoid duplicate entry
EmailAddressValidator: Evaluates a textual value is the Email Address pattern
IgnoreConditionValidator: Used to add a server side error to the page
ListSizeValidator: Ensures the number of items in a ListBox are within a range
MultiConditionValidator: Build complex boolean expressions using all types of validators
MultipleRequiredControlsValidator: Evaluates multiple fields have been assigned
RangeValidator: Compares the value of a field to a range
RegexValidator: Ensures a textual value matches a pattern defined using a regular expression
RequiredListValidator: Determines if a list-type control has a selection
RequiredSelectionValidator: Determines of Calendar and other visual controls have a selection.
RequiredTextValidator: Determines if a textual control has a value
SelectedIndexValidator: Determines if a list-type control has a specific index selected
SelectedIndexRangesValidator: Determines if a list-type control has one of several indices selected
TextLengthValidator: Ensures that the number of characters in a textbox is within a range
UnwantedWordsValidator: Reports errors when unwanted words have been entered into a textbox
WordCountValidator: Ensures that the number of words in a textbox is within a range
Expand ValidationSummary controlValidationSummary control

Product Documentation for Peter's Professional Validation

Files are in PDF format. They are very large, making them not suitable for opening in the browser. Instead, click to download them as a zip file and extract to get the PDF.

v5 Date and Time User's Guide v4 Date and Time User's Guide
Version 5.0 Version 4.0

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