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Demonstrates how to calculate a duration from two TimeOfDayTextBoxes

When you have a pair of TimeOfDayTextBoxes or DurationTextBoxes, you can use the javascript code supplied here to calculate the duration between them. This function supports DateTextBoxes connected to TimeOfDayTextBoxes so your range can be longer than 24 hours.


TimeOfDayTextBoxes updating a label

Start Time: - End Time: =

Date + TimeOfDayTextBoxes updating a DurationTextBox

Start Date+Time:
- End Date+Time:

Source Code (C#)

<script type="text/javascript">
// Calculation takes two controls, either TimeOfDayTextBox or DurationTextBox // Returns the time in milliseconds or null if either is blank function GetDuration(pStartTmId, pEndTmId) { var vStartTime = DES_GetDTTBValue(pStartTmId); var vEndTime = DES_GetDTTBValue(pEndTmId); if ((vStartTime == null) || (vEndTime == null)) return null; return Math.abs(vEndTime - vStartTime); } // Calculation takes two TimeOfDayTextBox controls. // Each MUST be connected to a DateTextBox control. // Calculates the difference in seconds between two Date+Time pairs. // Returns the time in milliseconds or null if any are blank or have illegal values. function GetDurationWithDates(pStartTmId, pEndTmId) { var vStartTime = DES_DnTMTBGetSecs(pStartTmId); var vEndTime = DES_DnTMTBGetSecs(pEndTmId); if ((vStartTime == window.gDES_GetNativeInvalid) || // illegal values or one of the pair is empty (vEndTime == window.gDES_GetNativeInvalid)) return null; if ((vStartTime == null) || // both textboxes are empty (vEndTime == null)) return null; return Math.abs(vEndTime - vStartTime); } // Attached to the onchange event via the OnChangeFunctionName property. // The parameters are ignored here. This is simply a way to hookup this event. // It is called by both TimeOfDayTextBoxes. function Demo1Update(ID, Seconds, Error) { var vLabel = DES_GetById('<% = Demo1Result.ClientID %>'); var vDuration = GetDuration('<%= StartTODDemo1.ClientID %>', '<%= EndTODDemo1.ClientID %>'); if (vDuration == null) vLabel.innerHTML = "n/a"; else vLabel.innerHTML = DES_FmtTime(vDuration, 7, false); } // Attached to the TimeOfDayTextBox's onchange event via the OnChangeFunctionName property. // The parameters are ignored here. This is simply a way to hookup this event. // It is called by both TimeOfDayTextBoxes. function Demo2UpdateTOD(ID, Seconds, Error) { Demo2Update(); } // Attached to the DateTextBox's onchange event via the OnChangeFunctionName property. // The parameters are ignored here. This is simply a way to hookup this event. // It is called by both DateTextBoxes. function Demo2UpdateDTB(ID, Seconds, Error) { Demo2Update(); } // For Demo2: does the actual work. function Demo2Update() { var vDurationTB = DES_GetById('<% = DurationDemo2.ClientID %>'); var vDuration = GetDurationWithDates('<%= StartTODDemo2.ClientID %>', '<%= EndTODDemo2.ClientID %>'); if (vDuration == null) = "none"; else { = "inline"; DES_SetDTTBValue('<% = DurationDemo2.ClientID %>', vDuration, true); } }
</script> <h2>TimeOfDayTextBoxes updating a label</h2> Start Time: <des:TimeOfDayTextBox id="StartTODDemo1" runat="server" OnChangeFunctionName="Demo1Update" OnChangeFunctionAlways="True"/> - End Time: <des:TimeOfDayTextBox id="EndTODDemo1" runat="server" OnChangeFunctionName="Demo1Update" OnChangeFunctionAlways="True"/> = <asp:Label id="Demo1Result" runat="server" /> <br/> <des:CompareTwoFieldsValidator id="CompareValDemo1" runat="server" ControlIDToEvaluate="StartTODDemo1" SecondControlIDToEvaluate="EndTODDemo1" Operator="LessThanEqual" ErrorMessage="End Time must be greater or equal to Start Time" > <ErrorFormatterContainer> <des:TextErrorFormatter Display="Dynamic" /> </ErrorFormatterContainer> </des:CompareTwoFieldsValidator> <des:DataTypeCheckValidator id="DTCValTOD1Demo1" runat="server" ControlIDToEvaluate="StartTODDemo1" ErrorMessage="Start time is invalid"> <ErrorFormatterContainer> <des:TextErrorFormatter Display="Dynamic" /> </ErrorFormatterContainer> </des:DataTypeCheckValidator> <des:DataTypeCheckValidator id="DTCValTOD2Demo1" runat="server" ControlIDToEvaluate="EndTODDemo1" ErrorMessage="End time is invalid"> <ErrorFormatterContainer> <des:TextErrorFormatter Display="Dynamic" /> </ErrorFormatterContainer> </des:DataTypeCheckValidator> <br/> <h2>Date + TimeOfDayTextBoxes updating a DurationTextBox</h2> Start Date+Time: <des:DateTextBox id="StartDateDemo2" runat="server" OnChangeFunctionName="Demo2UpdateDTB" OnChangeFunctionAlways="True" CommandsFireOnChangeFunction="true" /> <des:TimeOfDayTextBox id="StartTODDemo2" runat="server" DateTextBoxControlID="StartDateDemo2" OnChangeFunctionName="Demo2UpdateTOD" OnChangeFunctionAlways="True" CommandsFireOnChangeFunction="true" /> - End Date+Time: <des:DateTextBox id="EndDateDemo2" runat="server" OnChangeFunctionName="Demo2UpdateDTB" OnChangeFunctionAlways="True" CommandsFireOnChangeFunction="true" /> <des:TimeOfDayTextBox id="EndTODDemo2" runat="server" DateTextBoxControlID="EndDateDemo2" OnChangeFunctionName="Demo2UpdateTOD" OnChangeFunctionAlways="True" CommandsFireOnChangeFunction="true"/> = <des:DurationTextBox id="DurationDemo2" runat="server" /> <br/> <des:CompareTwoFieldsValidator id="CompareValDemo2" runat="server" ControlIDToEvaluate="StartTODDemo2" SecondControlIDToEvaluate="EndTODDemo2" Operator="LessThanEqual" DataType="DateTime" ErrorMessage="End Time must be greater or equal to Start Time" > <ErrorFormatterContainer> <des:TextErrorFormatter Display="Dynamic" /> </ErrorFormatterContainer> </des:CompareTwoFieldsValidator> <des:DataTypeCheckValidator id="DTCValTOD1Demo2" runat="server" ControlIDToEvaluate="StartTODDemo2" DataType="DateTime" ErrorMessage="Start date+time is invalid" > <ErrorFormatterContainer> <des:TextErrorFormatter Display="Dynamic" /> </ErrorFormatterContainer> </des:DataTypeCheckValidator> <des:DataTypeCheckValidator id="DTCValTOD2Demo2" runat="server" ControlIDToEvaluate="EndTODDemo2" DataType="DateTime" ErrorMessage="End date+time is invalid"> <ErrorFormatterContainer> <des:TextErrorFormatter Display="Dynamic" /> </ErrorFormatterContainer> </des:DataTypeCheckValidator>

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