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Demonstrates how to popup the calendar on focus and on mouseover

By default, the user must click on the calendar toggle button to display the popup calendar. Use these properties to popup the calendar on focus and on mouseover.

  • AutoPopupOnFocus - Set to true to popup when the textbox gets focus.
  • PopupCalendar.PopupOnMouseOver - Set to true to popup when the mouse passes over the toggle button.

See the Source Code for ASP.NET markup examples.



Tab from TextBox1 to DateTextBox1 to TextBox2

TextBox1 DateTextBox1


Point to the calendar button without clicking


Source Code (C#)

Tab from TextBox1 to DateTextBox1 to TextBox2<br/><br/>
TextBox1 <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<des:DateTextBox ID="DateTextBox1" runat="server" AutoPopupOnFocus="True" AutoHint="false">
TextBox2<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
Point to the calendar button without clicking<br/><br/>
<des:DateTextBox ID="DateTextBox2" runat="server" >
   <PopupCalendar PopupOnMouseOver="True" />

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